Department needs to get confirmation from Illinois Human Resources (IHR) or University Payroll and Benefits (UPB) verifying if the vendor is a current or former University employee within the last three years.
- If the vendor is a current or former employee within the last 3 years, then the vendor will be required to complete the Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Form. The form can be found here.
The signature must be a wet signature or an Adobe digitally time-stamped signature. Signatures that are typed into the form will not be accepted.
In iBuy, type the requisition number in the Search field in the top right-hand corner of the page and press enter. Click the requisition number to open it. Review the Status field under the General section. If it shows Pending and Purchasing Department, the requisition has been routed to the Purchasing Division. The assigned buyer’s name is in parentheses after Purchasing Department. If the Status field shows Pending and Purchasing Department but no buyer’s name, the requisition has not been assigned.
If the requisition has been approved, a purchase order number will be listed on the right hand side of the “summary” section located in “related fields”.
Please reach out to the buyer who is assigned the contract request in Contracts+.
Although PCMO does not allow a change order to correct a FOAPAL, a cancels and replaces requisition may be completed.
Please reach out to the buyer who completed the purchase order. If the original order did not route through PCMO, please reach out to urbanapurchasing@illinois.edu.
It is PCMO’s expectation that all invoices should be based on the quoted amounts provided prior to the commencement of work. Please ensure that any deviations from the quoted amounts are communicated and approved in advance by PCMO. Adhering to this practice will help maintain a smooth and efficient invoicing process. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the buyer who completed the purchase order. If the original order did not route through PCMO, please reach out to urbanapurchasing@illinois.edu.
A room block is an agreement requiring signature to hold a block of rooms which will be paid for by individuals, not the University. The Department should email all documents to urbanapurchasing@uillinois.edu and it will be assigned out accordingly. Please note to send the documents as an attachment and allow at least 5 business days to process.
If you require a modification to your purchase order please submit your request through the following link.
To check the status of your change order, please click here to see your Ticket Requests.
In iBuy, click orders in the task bar and hit search. Click All Orders or you can narrow your search by clicking: Requisitions, Purchase Orders, or Invoices. NOTE: By default, your search results will include orders with a create date in the last 90 days.
If your vendor did not receive a copy of the purchase order, you can request the purchase order to be resent through the service desk.
Per the Illinois Procurement Code:
(30 ILCS 500/20-80) https://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/documents/003005000K20-80.htm
(d) Timely execution of contracts. Except as set forth in subsection (b) of this Section, no voucher shall be submitted to the Comptroller for a warrant to be drawn for the payment of money from the State treasury or from other funds held by the State Treasurer on account of any contract unless the contract is reduced to writing before the services are performed and filed with the Comptroller.
A Delegate from the Purchasing Office will sign on behalf of the Comptroller. The signed quote will be part of the completed Purchase Order.
It is recommended you consult with Risk Management and refer to Section 6 – Insurance found here.
The Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles box located just above the Certificate Holder box should state: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is additional insured.
If the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is listed as the Certificate Holder, be sure to include: Certificate Holder is included as additional insured in the Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles box.
If a TERMED Vendor or an incorrect Vendor ID selection has been made on the original requisition, it cannot be modified after the purchase order has been created. Please submit a cancel/replace requisition in iBuy using the correct Vendor ID. For more information on the process, please visit: https://www.uiucpurchasing.illinois.edu/news/cancels-and-replaces-update/.
When making a partial deposit payment, please make sure there is a separate line item for the deposit on the requisition. If a deposit is required, you do not need to change the payment terms of the purchase order. Payables will pay the deposit if a line item is included on the purchase order with a special payment request form submitted from the department.
Please include your justification in the comments tab in the requisition based on the below parameters of what is considered a RUSH/urgent need. In addition, please check the priority as Urgent, instead of Normal, when creating your Requisition. This red flag will alert the PCMO operations staff that it is a priority.
“For Purchasing to prioritize the high volume of rush requests, please provide a written justification for this transaction to be expedited. The justification will help us communicate to other campus departments why delays have occurred to their respective requests or requisitions. Conditions for an emergency purchase exists when there is a threat to public health or public safety; immediate expenditure is needed for repairs to university property to protect against further loss or damage; preventing or minimizing serious disruption in critical university services which affect health, safety, or collection of substantial revenues, or ensuring the integrity of university records. Rushes due to failure of submitting in a timely manner do not constitute as a priority. Once the rush justification has been provided, the requisition will be assigned to a buyer who will determine whether the justification is enough to warrant a “Rush”, “Urgent” or “Emergency” classification.”
If it is an emergency requisition and services have already been received please visit the FAQ: “It’s an Emergency!?” What should I do?
First, ask yourself – is it really an emergency? The State defines an emergency as “A situation involving public health, public safety, or cases where immediate expenditure is necessary for repairs to State property to protect against further loss or damage, to prevent or minimize serious disruption in State services, or to ensure the integrity of State records” Emergency conditions may result from fires, explosions, adverse weather conditions, or epidemic conditions. They may also result from untimely breakdown, damage, or loss of equipment vital to the maintenance of health or safety standards. In true emergency situations, the Illinois Procurement Code provides that purchasing procedures, including bidding requirements, may be waived if it becomes important for an emergency transaction to be completed within a certain time. If you need to make a purchase that is truly an emergency, you may submit your requisition after the service is performed or the purchase is made. Emergencies are not non-conforming, as long as you notify Purchasing no later than five business days after an emergency purchase has been made.
For more information on non-conforming orders, please see here.
Departments should always obtain a Purchase Order for Goods or Services prior to receiving such. Obtaining Goods and Services without the issuance of an official Purchase Order may place the University/Department in direct violation of State Procurement Laws.
Multiple quotes are required for purchases of $10,000 or more. Three quotes are needed. In some cases where it is not possible to obtain multiple quotes, justification must be provided within the iBuy form or a small purchase quote waiver for Banner requisitions may be submitted. Obtaining multiple quotes is the preferred process.
The Soybean or Vegetable Oil-Based Ink Statement and the Prevailing Wage Statement are not required for purchase orders, as the relevant requirements are addressed within the purchase order terms and conditions. These forms are, however, required for p-card purchases. Should you have any questions regarding the forms related to a p-card purchase, please feel free to contact University Payables. If the vendor is performing off-set printing and the vendor is not able to comply with the Soybean or Vegetable Oil-Based Ink Statement and the Prevailing Wage requirement then please reach out to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office, urbanapurchasing@uillinois.edu, for further instructions.
Please submit at least 3 total quotes, including selected vendor quote. This means Purchasing needs a quote from the selected vendor, plus two additional vendor quotes.
In iBuy, type the requisition number in the Search field in the top right-hand corner of the page and press enter. Click the requisition number to open it. Review the Status field under the General section. If it shows Pending and Purchasing Department, the requisition has been routed to the Purchasing Division. The assigned buyer’s name is in parentheses after Purchasing Department. If the Status field shows Pending and Purchasing Department but no buyer’s name, the requisition has not been assigned.
In Banner, FPIREQN go to the commodity page. Go to the tools gear icon in the upper right corner. Click on Commodity Supplemental Information, the assigned buyer will be shown.
The time it takes to process your requisition depends on the nature of the items/services you are procuring as well as the cost. Not all acquisitions of goods and services require identical procedural steps.
Only the University Comptroller or his/her approved delegates have authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University of Illinois.
A contract can be required for a variety of reasons including but not limited to a multi-year term, level of risk, and amount of contract. Purchasing can help you determine when a contract is necessary to mitigate any risks to your department.
Using Federal Funding
The federal source selection form is required for purchases of $25,000 or more that are made using federal funds. The form is signed/dated by the department. It should be sent to Purchasing along with the other needed supporting documents.
Please submit a service request and select UIUC Close/Cancel iBuy on the form.
If you have multiple PO’s to close, you can submit all on a single Service Desk ticket. Be sure to list the PO numbers in a single column with no punctuation, additional information, or additional spaces where it asks for “Description of Issue”. In the area where is asks “PO Number” please write “Multiples” or “See Below”; You can always attach an Excel spreadsheet to the request using the same parameters just listed.
Description of Issue: P111000
Please submit a service request to re-open the purchase order.
New Ship to addresses can be added, deleted, or updated using the attached form. Once you submit this request the process may take up to 10 business days to update in the system.
It depends on the request. Times and dates vary based on the exception request. However, if you have an immediate need for payment, please reach out to urbanapurchasing@uillinois.edu, and be sure to list the urgency for the review of request and why.
The Department needs to submit a UPS CampusShip New User Request via the service desk.
System Requirements
The department can generate a copy of the PO in iBuy by entering the PO number then selecting Print Fax Version in the upper right-hand menu for the PO. From there, you can save a PDF copy, as well as the attachments, and send it to the vendor directly.
If the vendor email on iBuy is incorrect or needs updating OR if the vendor did not receive the PO, the vendor may need to provide an updated vendor form to vendor maintenance to get that information corrected.
Requisitions need to be routed to purchasing if your request requires any of the items below:
- Any Purchase requiring an Authorized Signature.
- Any Vendor Terms and Conditions different from the U of I Terms and Conditions.
- Rental Agreements.
- Any Vendor Contract or Agreement that goes with the order that would need reviewed.
- Any shipment that goes through Customs.
- Telecommunications Equipment.
- Weapons and Ammunition.
- Furniture.
- Charter Air or Bus Service.
- Lab or Specialty Gases.
- Laboratory or Office Moving (External Vendor).
- Onsite Services.
- High Power Lasers.
- Non-Denatured Ethyl Alcohol.
A sole source justification form is utilized when the price of a supply or service exceeds the bid limit, $100,000, and only one vendor is capable of providing the specifications as requested.
A source selection & price justification form is needed when a supply or service funded by a federal grant, contract or cooperative agreement is of $25,000 or more.
Yes, when over $100,000. If you believe that only one Vendor can provide the needed goods or services, you will need to submit a complete Sole Source Justification Form and any supporting materials to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. Please see the training videos for additional information.
A formal solicitation process means that Purchasing will need to conduct a competitive solicitation either in the form of an Invitation for Bids (IFB), Request for Proposals (RFP) or Sole Source process for the purchase of commodities and/or services that are $100,000 or more.
Department needs to get confirmation from Illinois Human Resources (IHR) or University Payroll and Benefits (UPB) verifying if the vendor is a current or former University employee within the last three years.
- If the vendor is a current or former employee within the last 3 years, then the vendor will be required to complete the Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Form. The form can be found here.
The signature must be a wet signature or an Adobe digitally time-stamped signature. Signatures that are typed into the form will not be accepted.
In iBuy, type the requisition number in the Search field in the top right-hand corner of the page and press enter. Click the requisition number to open it. Review the Status field under the General section. If it shows Pending and Purchasing Department, the requisition has been routed to the Purchasing Division. The assigned buyer’s name is in parentheses after Purchasing Department. If the Status field shows Pending and Purchasing Department but no buyer’s name, the requisition has not been assigned.
If the requisition has been approved, a purchase order number will be listed on the right hand side of the “summary” section located in “related fields”.
Please reach out to the buyer who is assigned the contract request in Contracts+.
Although PCMO does not allow a change order to correct a FOAPAL, a cancels and replaces requisition may be completed.
Please reach out to the buyer who completed the purchase order. If the original order did not route through PCMO, please reach out to urbanapurchasing@illinois.edu.
It is PCMO’s expectation that all invoices should be based on the quoted amounts provided prior to the commencement of work. Please ensure that any deviations from the quoted amounts are communicated and approved in advance by PCMO. Adhering to this practice will help maintain a smooth and efficient invoicing process. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the buyer who completed the purchase order. If the original order did not route through PCMO, please reach out to urbanapurchasing@illinois.edu.
A room block is an agreement requiring signature to hold a block of rooms which will be paid for by individuals, not the University. The Department should email all documents to urbanapurchasing@uillinois.edu and it will be assigned out accordingly. Please note to send the documents as an attachment and allow at least 5 business days to process.
If you require a modification to your purchase order please submit your request through the following link.
To check the status of your change order, please click here to see your Ticket Requests.
In iBuy, click orders in the task bar and hit search. Click All Orders or you can narrow your search by clicking: Requisitions, Purchase Orders, or Invoices. NOTE: By default, your search results will include orders with a create date in the last 90 days.
If your vendor did not receive a copy of the purchase order, you can request the purchase order to be resent through the service desk.
Per the Illinois Procurement Code:
(30 ILCS 500/20-80) https://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/documents/003005000K20-80.htm
(d) Timely execution of contracts. Except as set forth in subsection (b) of this Section, no voucher shall be submitted to the Comptroller for a warrant to be drawn for the payment of money from the State treasury or from other funds held by the State Treasurer on account of any contract unless the contract is reduced to writing before the services are performed and filed with the Comptroller.
A Delegate from the Purchasing Office will sign on behalf of the Comptroller. The signed quote will be part of the completed Purchase Order.
It is recommended you consult with Risk Management and refer to Section 6 – Insurance found here.
The Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles box located just above the Certificate Holder box should state: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is additional insured.
If the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is listed as the Certificate Holder, be sure to include: Certificate Holder is included as additional insured in the Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles box.
If a TERMED Vendor or an incorrect Vendor ID selection has been made on the original requisition, it cannot be modified after the purchase order has been created. Please submit a cancel/replace requisition in iBuy using the correct Vendor ID. For more information on the process, please visit: https://www.uiucpurchasing.illinois.edu/news/cancels-and-replaces-update/.
When making a partial deposit payment, please make sure there is a separate line item for the deposit on the requisition. If a deposit is required, you do not need to change the payment terms of the purchase order. Payables will pay the deposit if a line item is included on the purchase order with a special payment request form submitted from the department.
Please include your justification in the comments tab in the requisition based on the below parameters of what is considered a RUSH/urgent need. In addition, please check the priority as Urgent, instead of Normal, when creating your Requisition. This red flag will alert the PCMO operations staff that it is a priority.
“For Purchasing to prioritize the high volume of rush requests, please provide a written justification for this transaction to be expedited. The justification will help us communicate to other campus departments why delays have occurred to their respective requests or requisitions. Conditions for an emergency purchase exists when there is a threat to public health or public safety; immediate expenditure is needed for repairs to university property to protect against further loss or damage; preventing or minimizing serious disruption in critical university services which affect health, safety, or collection of substantial revenues, or ensuring the integrity of university records. Rushes due to failure of submitting in a timely manner do not constitute as a priority. Once the rush justification has been provided, the requisition will be assigned to a buyer who will determine whether the justification is enough to warrant a “Rush”, “Urgent” or “Emergency” classification.”
If it is an emergency requisition and services have already been received please visit the FAQ: “It’s an Emergency!?” What should I do?
First, ask yourself – is it really an emergency? The State defines an emergency as “A situation involving public health, public safety, or cases where immediate expenditure is necessary for repairs to State property to protect against further loss or damage, to prevent or minimize serious disruption in State services, or to ensure the integrity of State records” Emergency conditions may result from fires, explosions, adverse weather conditions, or epidemic conditions. They may also result from untimely breakdown, damage, or loss of equipment vital to the maintenance of health or safety standards. In true emergency situations, the Illinois Procurement Code provides that purchasing procedures, including bidding requirements, may be waived if it becomes important for an emergency transaction to be completed within a certain time. If you need to make a purchase that is truly an emergency, you may submit your requisition after the service is performed or the purchase is made. Emergencies are not non-conforming, as long as you notify Purchasing no later than five business days after an emergency purchase has been made.
For more information on non-conforming orders, please see here.
Departments should always obtain a Purchase Order for Goods or Services prior to receiving such. Obtaining Goods and Services without the issuance of an official Purchase Order may place the University/Department in direct violation of State Procurement Laws.
Multiple quotes are required for purchases of $10,000 or more. Three quotes are needed. In some cases where it is not possible to obtain multiple quotes, justification must be provided within the iBuy form or a small purchase quote waiver for Banner requisitions may be submitted. Obtaining multiple quotes is the preferred process.
The Soybean or Vegetable Oil-Based Ink Statement and the Prevailing Wage Statement are not required for purchase orders, as the relevant requirements are addressed within the purchase order terms and conditions. These forms are, however, required for p-card purchases. Should you have any questions regarding the forms related to a p-card purchase, please feel free to contact University Payables. If the vendor is performing off-set printing and the vendor is not able to comply with the Soybean or Vegetable Oil-Based Ink Statement and the Prevailing Wage requirement then please reach out to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office, urbanapurchasing@uillinois.edu, for further instructions.
Please submit at least 3 total quotes, including selected vendor quote. This means Purchasing needs a quote from the selected vendor, plus two additional vendor quotes.
In iBuy, type the requisition number in the Search field in the top right-hand corner of the page and press enter. Click the requisition number to open it. Review the Status field under the General section. If it shows Pending and Purchasing Department, the requisition has been routed to the Purchasing Division. The assigned buyer’s name is in parentheses after Purchasing Department. If the Status field shows Pending and Purchasing Department but no buyer’s name, the requisition has not been assigned.
In Banner, FPIREQN go to the commodity page. Go to the tools gear icon in the upper right corner. Click on Commodity Supplemental Information, the assigned buyer will be shown.
The time it takes to process your requisition depends on the nature of the items/services you are procuring as well as the cost. Not all acquisitions of goods and services require identical procedural steps.
Only the University Comptroller or his/her approved delegates have authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University of Illinois.
A contract can be required for a variety of reasons including but not limited to a multi-year term, level of risk, and amount of contract. Purchasing can help you determine when a contract is necessary to mitigate any risks to your department.
The federal source selection form is required for purchases of $25,000 or more that are made using federal funds. The form is signed/dated by the department. It should be sent to Purchasing along with the other needed supporting documents.
Please submit a service request and select UIUC Close/Cancel iBuy on the form.
If you have multiple PO’s to close, you can submit all on a single Service Desk ticket. Be sure to list the PO numbers in a single column with no punctuation, additional information, or additional spaces where it asks for “Description of Issue”. In the area where is asks “PO Number” please write “Multiples” or “See Below”; You can always attach an Excel spreadsheet to the request using the same parameters just listed.
Description of Issue: P111000
Please submit a service request to re-open the purchase order.
New Ship to addresses can be added, deleted, or updated using the attached form. Once you submit this request the process may take up to 10 business days to update in the system.
It depends on the request. Times and dates vary based on the exception request. However, if you have an immediate need for payment, please reach out to urbanapurchasing@uillinois.edu, and be sure to list the urgency for the review of request and why.
The Department needs to submit a UPS CampusShip New User Request via the service desk.
The department can generate a copy of the PO in iBuy by entering the PO number then selecting Print Fax Version in the upper right-hand menu for the PO. From there, you can save a PDF copy, as well as the attachments, and send it to the vendor directly.
If the vendor email on iBuy is incorrect or needs updating OR if the vendor did not receive the PO, the vendor may need to provide an updated vendor form to vendor maintenance to get that information corrected.
Requisitions need to be routed to purchasing if your request requires any of the items below:
- Any Purchase requiring an Authorized Signature.
- Any Vendor Terms and Conditions different from the U of I Terms and Conditions.
- Rental Agreements.
- Any Vendor Contract or Agreement that goes with the order that would need reviewed.
- Any shipment that goes through Customs.
- Telecommunications Equipment.
- Weapons and Ammunition.
- Furniture.
- Charter Air or Bus Service.
- Lab or Specialty Gases.
- Laboratory or Office Moving (External Vendor).
- Onsite Services.
- High Power Lasers.
- Non-Denatured Ethyl Alcohol.
A sole source justification form is utilized when the price of a supply or service exceeds the bid limit, $100,000, and only one vendor is capable of providing the specifications as requested.
A source selection & price justification form is needed when a supply or service funded by a federal grant, contract or cooperative agreement is of $25,000 or more.
Yes, when over $100,000. If you believe that only one Vendor can provide the needed goods or services, you will need to submit a complete Sole Source Justification Form and any supporting materials to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. Please see the training videos for additional information.
A formal solicitation process means that Purchasing will need to conduct a competitive solicitation either in the form of an Invitation for Bids (IFB), Request for Proposals (RFP) or Sole Source process for the purchase of commodities and/or services that are $100,000 or more.
There are currently 38 terms in this directoryAfter the Fact
After the Fact is completed in iBuy once a good or service has been received prior to purchase order issuance. After the Fact does not always mean it is non-conforming if there is an award, sole source, exemption, emergency, or existing contract in place.
A packaged Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software product that includes Student Administration, Human Resources, and Finance functionality. It forms the core of the UI-Integrate system.
Business Enterprise Program (BEP)
State of Illinois Program for businesses owned by minorities, women, and persons with disabilities which is committed to fostering an inclusive and competitive business environment that will help business enterprises increase their capacity, grow revenue, and enhance credentials.
Cancel and Replace
Cancel and replace purchase orders are required when a current or previous purchase order cannot be modified or re-opened due to a variety of reasons.
The Banner finance accounting string consisting of chart, fund, organization, account, program, activity, and location. Chart, fund, organization, account, and program are the required segments to record a financial transaction.
Chief Procurement Officer
Any of the four persons appointed or approved by a majority of the members of the Executive Ethics Commission. The Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) exercises independent procurement authority under the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS 500). While retaining procurement authority, the CPO exercises this authority through independent State Purchasing Officers (SPOs) who report to the CPO.
Click-Through Terms/Agreements
Contracts may be part of the online installation process and often require the end-user to click an "OK," "Agree," or "Accept" button in order to move forward with the installation before the user can access the platform. They are commonly used in connection with software or web-based platform licenses.
Comptroller Delegate
The Comptroller may delegate contract execution authority. Delegates who sign contracts on behalf of the Comptroller must have express authority to do so. Comptroller delegates are responsible for ensuring all required approvals are received and appropriate legal review is complete, before affixing the Comptroller’s signature to a contract.
A written agreement, fully executed (signed by all parties), containing an offer and acceptance for consideration.
Contracts+ is the University of Illinois System's new contract drafting and management system. It replaces iCS and routing of contract approval routing forms (CARF’s) and serves as a single contract repository for all University of Illinois System contracts. It is a new, fully robust contracting system that is integrated with our other procure to pay systems and modules.
Data Use/Data Sharing Agreements
A type of material transfer contract that specifically deal with the transfer of information.
Delivery Terms
Conditions in a contract relating to freight charges, place of delivery, time of delivery or method of transportation.
Emergency Procurement
A purchase made following a special purchasing procedure in order to obtain goods or services quickly to meet an emergency. These items are defined as necessary to continue the instructional process and/or maintain a safe operational environment, the loss of which would create a situation which would adversely and unduly affect the safety, health, or comfort of building, occupants or otherwise cause a loss to the institution.
Financial Disclosures and Conflict of Interest Form
Vendor form required for purchases exceeding $100,000 and purchases that may have a potential conflict of interest.
Please visit our forms page for the Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Form (https://www.uiucpurchasing.illinois.edu/purchasing-forms-directory/).
Web-based ordering tool that provides the University of Illinois system with the most streamlined, cost effective way to place orders with suppliers. End-users have the ability to create requisitions for a range of items: from pens and keyboards to custom servers and furniture orders.
Invitation for Bid (IFB)
This term is used when you know the details, require a specific set of specifications and the estimated budget is $100,000 or greater. A formal method of solicitation whereby suppliers are requested to submit a bid for the provision of goods. Price is the main factor for award. An IFB must be “open” for a minimum of 14 days. It will be issued by Purchasing and posted on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin for Higher Education website. To start a solicitation please use the following form:
UIUC Solicitation Information Form
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
A memorandum of understanding is an agreement between two or more parties outlined in a formal document. It is not legally binding but signals the willingness of the parties to move forward with a contract. MOU's must follow the same process as other contracts and shall be signed by a Comptroller delegate.
No Fund Agreements
Could be any type of contract that involves no transfer of funds between the two parties.
A Non-Conforming order is one in which the request for the contract and/or Purchase Order is submitted to Purchasing after the receipt of goods or services by the end-user. As a state agency, the University must comply with the requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS 500) and University procurement policies and procedures. Accordingly, these laws and policies require a fully executed contract and/or Purchase Order in advance of goods and services being provided. Non-conforming requests will always be considered After the Fact in iBuy.
Vendor Release Form
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
Also known as Confidentiality Agreements, outline confidential material, knowledge, or information that two parties wish to share in order to conduct business with one another. An NDA creates a confidential relationship between the parties to protect any type of non-public business information from third-party access.
Procurement Policy Board
An agency of the State of Illinois with the authority and responsibility to review, comment upon and recommend, consistent with the Code, rules, and practices governing the procurement, management, control, and disposal of supplies, services, professional or artistic services, construction and real property and capital improvement leases procured by the University.
An offer made by one party to another as a basis for negotiations for entering into a contract; the response to a Request for Proposal.
Purchase Order
A purchase order is a legal document used by the university, authorizing a supplier to provide a product or service to the institution. It is a type of contract. The document used to formalize a purchase transaction with a vendor. A purchase order, when given to a vendor, may contain statements as to the quantity, description, and price of the goods or services ordered; agreed terms as to payment, discounts, date of performance, transportation terms, and all other agreements pertinent to the purchase and its execution by the vendor.
A statement of price, terms of sale, and description of goods or services offered by a vendor to a prospective purchaser.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
This term is used when you have a concept with a set of specifications or needs for consideration. A formal method of solicitation where prospective suppliers are requested to submit a proposal for the provision of goods, works, or services, based on the specifications, scope of work, or terms of reference included in the solicitation documents. Normally used in cases where the requirements are complex; cannot be clearly or completely specified, where detailed technical evaluations are to be performed, and/or where pricing or cost may not be the sole basis of award. Price is not the main factor for award. It will be issued by Purchasing and posted on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin for Higher Education website. To start a solicitation fill out the following form:
UIUC Solicitation Information Form
Formal requests submitted by departments for supplies, equipment, or services. It is not an order and is not valid off campus.
University staff responsible for obtaining quote documentation and entering requisition in procurement system.
Small Purchase Threshold Limits
The small purchase limits for procurements under the authority of the CPO for Higher Education are set by statute as modified by 44 Ill. Admin. Code 4.2020:
- Supplies & Services: not exceeding $100,000
- Construction: not exceeding $100,000
- Professional and Artistic Services: not exceeding $100,000 (term must not exceed one year and may not be renewed)
- Architect / Engineering / Land Surveying: less than $25,000
- Real Property and Capital Improvement Leases: less than $100,000 (per year and must also be less than 10,000 sq. ft.)
Small Purchase Waiver
A requisition that is less than the small purchase limit but greater than or equal to $10,000, must include documentation demonstrating competition from multiple vendors. If the University of Illinois System does not receive multiple quotes, documentation demonstrating the reasons why must be submitted along with the purchase requisition for the purchase using the Small Purchase Waiver form.
Sole Source
Purchases when a requirement is available from only a single supplier or when only one supplier is deemed economically feasible.
Sole Source Form
A description of a good or service to enable bidders to know precisely what is being purchased and to assist the end-user in defining or describing their requirements.
State Procurement Officer
Person appointed by any of the chief procurement officers to exercise the procurement authority created by the Illinois Procurement Code or by rule. The SPOs work in close conjunction with purchasing staff to meet the needs of the State agencies and universities.
Terms and Conditions
Standard boilerplate language that includes standard clauses and rules which apply to formally solicited bids and offers that may become incorporated into the final contract.
UIUC Solicitation Information Form
UIUC Solicitation Information Form
Sole Source Form